October Home Maintenance Checklist

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October Home Maintenance Checklist

·       Replace the furnace filter

You’ll be in hot water if you forget to replace the filter in your furnace, so check it every 4–6 weeks during the winter months.

·       Test the sump pump

Don’t let flood water sneak up on you. Test your sump pump to ensure it’s still connected and properly siphoning water out of your basement and crawl spaces.

·       Insulate the pipes

If you live in an area that gets chilly in October, wrap the pipes in your basement to prevent them from freezing during the coming winter.

·       Test and change smoke and CO detector batteries
These vital safety devices don’t do much if they aren’t charged and connected, so test both your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors regularly. Stock up on those AA batteries and get it done. Earplugs required. You should do the same for your carbon monoxide detector, especially if your home burns gas.

·       Turn off and flush outdoor water faucets
It’s time to hang up your gardening gloves for the winter, so go ahead and turn off and drain any outside water faucets to avoid freezing pipes.

·       Cover and store outdoor furniture
Find a place to stow your favorite chaise safe from the elements before the snow buries it. If you don’t have space in your shed or garage, at least cover outdoor furniture to avoid wear and tear on the upholstery.

·       Winterize perennials and clean out annuals
Prep your garden, landscaping, and flower beds for the cruel temps that force plants into hibernation, and clear out the dead stuff so you’ll have room for your next bright idea in the spring.

·       Rake the leaves and mow the lawn
Give that lawn one last rake and mow to sweep up any remaining debris and get your grass in tip-top shape for next year’s season of growth.